Future University in Egypt – FUE
جامعة المستقبل في مصرIntroducing Future University in Egypt
Future University in Egypt is one of the most promising private universities in Egypt. The FUE campus is conveniently located in the heart of New Cairo. Through excellence in teaching, research and service, Future University in Egypt strives to provide a comprehensive, high-quality education that prepares our graduates to be future leaders. The campus provides a creative, nurturing environment where students can realize their potential while learning from a talented, highly qualified faculty. Future University in Egypt offers a rich and rewarding educational experience.
FUE Movie
Future University in Egypt is one of the newest and most promising private universities in Egypt. The FUE campus is conveniently located in the heart of New Cairo. Through excellence in teaching, research and service, Future University strives to provide a comprehensive, high-quality education that prepares our graduates to be future leaders. The campus provides a creative, nurturing environment where students can realize their potential while learning from a talented, well-qualified faculty. Future University offers a rich and rewarding educational experience.
Our Mission
Future University in Egypt (FUE) is an educational institute committed to distinction, innovation and quality standards. FUE’s priority is to stay abreast with the national, regional and international changes taking place in the interrelated fields of education, scientific research and community development, while consolidating values and professional ethics.
In a first for the education sector in Egypt, Future University in Egypt (FUE) has been crowned by QS Stars’ QS Intelligence Unit as a Three Stars Institution, making it the first and only private Egyptian university to achieve this international rating, and the second Egyptian university after Ain Shams. QS Stars’ rating system facilitates the evaluation of universities across a much broader range of criteria and with respect to established thresholds rather than the performance of others. This rating is based on several important and pivotal criteria, including: the university’s academic reputation and the percentage of faculty members to students, among other criteria.
Future University in Egypt welcomes applications for undergraduate degrees for both the Fall and Spring Semesters. Students are eligible to apply through any of the following methods:
Acceptance Criteria
- The Egyptian General Secondary Certificate of Education (Thanawiya Amma) (Arts, Math or Sciences) and the Thanawiya Amma from other Arab countries.
- The American High School Diploma.
- The French Secondary School Certificate (Baccalauréat de L’Enseignement Secondaire) .
- The German Secondary School Certificate (Abitur).
- The British Secondary School Certificates (IGCSE, GCSE, ASL or AL.)
- The International Baccalaureate.
- Canadian High School Diploma.
Learn More About Admission Apply Online
أسعار مصروفات جامعة المستقبل
1. كلية الصيدلة: 51,000 جنيه.
2. كلية طب الأسنان: 66,000 جنيه.
3. كلية الهندسة: 43,000 جنيه.
4. كلية التجارة: 33,000 جنيه.
5. كلية الاقتصاد والعلوم السياسية: 33,000 جنيه.

FUE became a member of UN global Compact to advance the frontiers of knowledge and to serve society through education and research. The UN Global Compact is the world’s largest corporate citizenship and sustainability initiative. Since its official launch on 26 July 2000, the initiative has grown to more than 12,000 participants, including over 8,000 businesses in approximately 145 countries around the world.
Esraa El Bably, Success Story “by BBC Arabic”
She applied to many dental schools across the country.
She was turned away by all but one, Future University in Egypt.
Video produced by BBC Arabic’s Sarah Magdy