Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport
الأكاديمية العربية للعلوم والتكنولوجيا والنقل البحريThe Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport´s Overview
Establishing the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT) as a Regional Institute for Maritime Transport started as a notion in the Arab League Transport Committee”s meetings on 11th of March, 1970. This notion came after the Arab League’s Council issued, in its fifty third session, decree no. 2631/1970 stipulating the endorsement of founding a regional center for Maritime Transport training. The decree commissioned the Arab Republic of Egypt, on behalf of all the Arab countries, to ask for a technical aid from the United Nations’ organizations specialized in the field of maritime transport.
The Arab Academy for Maritime Transport
The AASTMT started its activity in a temporary location in Alexandria (1) on 28th of February, 1972. A five-year technical aid of 2.3 million dollars was allocated to the project in the form of experts, delegations and training equipment. The project, then, got a two-year extension with fund raising to $3.6 million.
The Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT).
Over five years (from 1991 to 1996), the educational and maritime training services excelled through the continuous Egyptian Ministry of Transport funding. Consequently in 1992, the AASTMT was granted the most modern training ship, “Aida 4”, as a donation from the Japanese government. This achievement on the part of the AASTMT has contributed to the ARE’s achievement in the field of supporting maritime education and training.
a Brief about the Arab Academy’s Colleges..
Achievements & Awards
Quanta – Robocon – ACM – IOI
How to Apply?
Matriculation Requirements:
- Holder of the High School (Thanawiya Amma) certificate or any equivalent certificate
- Medical fitness for the Nautical, Marine Engineering and Fisheries Technology departments.
- The student must not exceed 22 years (for Egyptians) at the beginning of classes and must declare his military conscription status
- Sitting for the English Placement Test is a must
- The student in the Marine Engineering Technology can complete their studies to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in Marine Engineering after the fifth semester if they have met the requirements of admission in the College of Engineering and Technology.
Enrollment Documents and Fees:
An official extract according to the type of the student’s certificate:
- High School (Thanawiyya Amma): A certificate, or an official extract, of successful completion of High School (Thanawiyya Amma)
- American Diploma: A certificate of grades of the tenth, eleventh and twelfth years with 12 years of schooling (official transcript)
- IGCSE: Certificates of three years after the ninth grade
- Certificate of successful completion of courses in all equivalent certificates (Abitur French Baccalaureate – the International Baccalaureate – the Canadian Baccalaureate)
Rest of Documents
- Birth certificate or an official document
- A copy of ID card or passport
- A copy of parent’s / guardian’s ID card or passport
- Four personal Photos (6 x 4)
- Payment of $ 200 as submission and enrollment fees (Non-refundable)
- Mental and physical medical Certificate.
- A letter of embassy approval of the student’s admission to the Academy. This is a must for students whose embassies require that approval (such as Saudi Arabia– Kuwait – the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Oman- Qatar)

She is an Egyptian professional squash player who became the youngest women to win the Women”s World Championship On 30 April 2016

AASTMT had participated in 2012 international competition of Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV 2012), that was held during June 21 – 23, 2012, at the Aquatic Center in Orlando – Florida – USA, where AASTMT was part of the team that has represented Egypt and the Arab region in this international competition

AASTMT Cairo College of Engineering & Technology students has participated in a competition that entitled: “Minesweepers: Towards a Landmine-Free Egypt”, that was held during 16 – 18 September 2012, and it is a national robotic competition aimed at fostering robotics research and its applications in the area of humanitarian demining in Egypt. Minesweepers considered to be the first national robotic competition with high social impact due to tackling a serious problem of humanitarian demining in Egypt

The Fencer AASTMT College of Engineering and Technology Student, Alaaeldin Abouelkassem has won the first silver men’s individual foil at London 2012 Olympic Games after performing a distinguished final match which was held on Tuesday 31- 7- 2012 in front of the China player